393 research outputs found

    Geometric Morphometrics sheds light on the systematics affinities of two enigmatic dwarf Neotropical sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae)

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    Geometric morphometrics (GM) is a powerful analytical tool that enables complete quantification of shapes. Its use in Botany has a great potential for complementing plant evolutionary and ecological studies. Taxonomic delimitation in Carex has been complicated due to reduction of characters and frequent homoplasy. This problem is more marked in cases where the species exhibit dwarfism. South America is the continent with the least understood Carex flora. The systematic relationships of some bizarre-looking groups were not unraveled until molecular phylogenetic studies resolved their relationships. In particular, there are two species only known from their type material whose affinities remain uncertain: Carex herteri and C. hypsipedos. These two taxa are acaulescent plants that respectively grow in the Uruguayan pampa and Peruvian high-altitude meadows. Recently, both species were ascribed to the Carex phalaroides group (subgen. Psyllophorae, sect. Junciformes) due to superficial morphological similarities, such as the androgynous peduncled spikes. However, their character combination is also coincident for its circumscription to sect. Abditispicae species. Nevertheless, in the absence of confirmation from molecular analyses, their placement must be considered preliminary until additional data can be provided. In this work we employ for the first time geometric morphometrics (GM) tools to assess the systematic affinities of two taxonomically problematic sedge species based on fruit shape. We compared utricle morphology of C. herteri and C. hypsipedos with that of C. phalaroides group and species in sect. Abditispicae. To this end we used GM and traditional morphometric approaches. Utricle shape variation along with other morphological features support the exclusion of these two species from the C. phalaroides gr. and, at the same time, show clear affinities of C. herteri to sect. Abditispicae. Carex hypsipedos remains as an incertae sedis species. Our work shows the potential utility of GM for the exploration of systematic affinities in sedges and in other graminoids

    Does family matter? A study of parents’ influence on the entrepreneurial intention of technical degrees students in Spain

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    The purpose of this study is to verify the parental influence on the entrepreneurial intention of technical degrees students in Spain. In an economic crisis context such as the one Spain is currently suffering, entrepreneurship is often regarded as an opportunity for productivity increase and wealth generation, especially if it is technology-based. Therefore, the research of factors that may determine young engineers’ attitude towards entrepreneurship is of great interest. Special attention is paid to parents’ role as knowledge transferors, as their experience may have a positive effect on the entrepreneurial intention of their children

    Importancia de los modelos de conducta en la intención emprendedora en estudiantes de ingeniería = The importance of role models for the entrepreneurial intention of technical degrees students

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    El emprendimiento de base tecnológica es un tema crítico para la generación de crecimiento económico, por lo que conocer los determinantes de la intención emprendedora de estudiantes de universidades técnicas adquiere una especial relevancia. En este estudio se analiza la importancia de los modelos de conducta en la intención emprendedora entre los estudiantes de carreras técnicas. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes de padres empresarios tienen una intención emprendedora superior a la media, mientras que los de hijos de padres funcionarios están por debajo de ella. Igualmente, la ausencia de modelos de conducta emprendedora en el entorno cercano disminuye la intención emprendedora, mientras que la ausencia de funcionarios no la hace aumentar

    Farmacovigilancia: ¿y si notificamos?

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    Introducción: Farmacovigilancia es la actividad de salud pública que tiene como objetivo la identificación, cuantificación, evaluación y prevención de los riesgos del uso de los medicamentos una vez comercializados, permitiendo así el seguimiento de los posibles efectos adversos. Según las últimas estadísticas del Centro Andaluz de Farmacovigilancia las notificaciones por farmacéuticos solo suponen el 9 % de las realizadas por los profesionales sanitarios. A la vista de estos datos se propuso un estudio para conocer los motivos de la falta de notificación y resolver los posibles problemas.Método: Se elaboró un cuestionario ad hoc, que se envió a todos los farmacéuticos de la provincia de Huelva.Resultados: Participaron 66 farmacéuticos. El 91 % conoce la tarjeta amarilla, dispone de ella el 45 %, conoce la vía web el 34 %, ha notificado alguna vez 34 % (7 % lo hace siempre que se encuentra una reacción adversa). El 60 % no ha notificado nunca y un 15 % piensa que no es obligatorio. Los motivos por los que no se notifica son falta de información 44 %, falta de formación 41 %, falta de tiempo 36 % y no disponer de tarjeta amarilla 29 %. Los titulares demandan una mayor información y formación. Los adjuntos ven la falta de tiempo como principal motivo de la no notificación.Discusión: Ante la poca notificación por los farmacéuticos y la importancia de este tema, se propone una campaña de concienciación entre los farmacéuticos de Huelva para mejorar estos resultados. Para ello se enviará a todos los colegiados un díptico formativo con la finalidad de resolver los principales inconvenientes de la notificación

    Components of dental clinic patient loyalty as perceived by the dentist

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    The dental clinic market has been subject to different changes while have led to the development of a new business model for the sector. These changes have been the great increase in the number of dentists, new business models, the demand of new services, churn patients, among others. With the purpose of stopping patient churn, the main objective of this research is to investigate the perception that the dentist has of the behavior of Loyal Patient (LP) and Non-loyal Patient (NLP) in dental clinics. The study analyzes the data obtained from a survey collected among 220 Spanish dentists who were active during 2012. The main findings obtained from the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) are: (i) the dentist perceives that the behavior of the LP is driven by three components: "Same dental clinic and recommendation", "Patient willingness" and "Low sensitivity to prices"; (ii) the dentist perceives that the behavior of the NLP is driven by three components: "High sensitivity to prices", "High churn and few recommendation" and "Less visits". This study allow to understand patient loyalty in dental clinics by a holistic approach, evaluating the dentist's perception; at the same time, it helps in decreasing negative bias in the dentist in order not to condition their professional behavior when a new patient arrives at the clinic

    Social companies as an innovative and sustainable way of solving social problems. A case study from Spain.

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    In the current context of economic crisis, there is an increasing need for new approaches for solving social problems without relying upon public resources. With this regard, social entrepreneurship has been arising as an important solution to develop social innovations and address social needs. Social entrepreneurs found new ventures that aim at solving social problems. The main purpose of this research is to identify the general profile of the social entrepreneurs and the main features of social companies, such as geographic scope, profit or non-profit approach, collaborative networks, decision making structure, and typologies of customers that benefit from their social actions

    First isolation and characterization of Chryseobacterium shigense from rainbow trout

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    BACKGROUND There have been an increasing number of infections in fish associated with different species of Chryseobacterium, being considered potentially emerging pathogens. Nevertheless the knowledge of the diversity of species associated with fish disease is partial due to the problems for a correct identification at the species level based exclusively on phenotypic laboratory methods. RESULTS Chryseobacterium shigense was isolated from the liver, kidney and gills of diseased rainbow trout in different disease episodes that occurred in a fish farm between May 2008 and June 2009. Identity of the isolates was confirmed by 16 S rRNA gene sequencing and phenotypic characterization. Isolates represented a single strain as determined by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. CONCLUSIONS This is the first description of the recovery of C. shigense from clinical specimens in trout, a very different habitat to fresh lactic acid beverage where it was initially isolated

    Determination of susceptibility to sensitization to dental materials in atopic and non-atopic patients

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    Introduction: Some studies report that atopic patients have a greater frequency of delayed-type sensitization than non-atopic patients. Objective: To determine the influence of the atopic condition on delayed sensitization to dental materials. Design: cross-sectional study. Methods: Forty (40) atopic subjects and forty (40) non-atopic subjects, of both sexes, between 20 and 65 years of age were included. The determination of delayed sensitization to dental materials was performed using patch test. An oral exam was also carried out to check for lesions of the oral mucosa. Results: 61.25% of the patients were positive for delayed-type sensitization to one or more allergens, being palladium chloride (21.25%), ammoniated mercury (20%), benzoyl peroxide (12.5%) and amalgam (10%) the most frequent. The frequency of sensitization was 67.5% in the group of atopic patients, compared to 55% in the non atopic group (p>0.05). The materials with the greatest difference of sensitization in atopic compared to non-atopic patients were ammoniated mercury, benzoyl peroxide, amalgam and Bisphenol A Dimethacrylate (BIS-GMA). Conclusion: The atopic condition is not related to a higher frequency of delayed sensitization to a battery of dental materials. © Medicina Oral

    Conciliación de la medicación en farmacia comunitaria

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    Introducción: La conciliación del tratamiento farmacológico consiste en revisar y registrar de forma completa y precisa la medicación habitual de un paciente, con objeto de conseguir la seguridad del mismo en cuanto al uso de los medicamentos. El objetivo principal de este estudio es cuantificar las discrepancias de conciliación producidas como consecuencia de la transición sanitaria del paciente entre los distintos niveles asistenciales.Métodos: Estudio piloto descriptivo multicéntrico desarrollado con 29 pacientes en seis farmacias comunitarias onubenses durante tres meses. Se estudia el tratamiento farmacológico del paciente comparando su tratamiento habitual con el nuevo tratamiento instaurado. Para la toma de decisiones se emplean la Base de Datos de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios, el método Dáder en seguimiento farmacoterapéutico y los criterios Stopp-Start en pacientes mayores de 65 años.Resultados: En un 37,9% de los pacientes estudiados se encontraron discrepancias en la medicación, principalmente en pacientes que proceden del hospital (36,4% tras alta hospitalaria y 45,5% tras visita al especialista).Las discrepancias mayoritarias tras la conciliación se detectan en la patología cardiovascular, seguida en menor medida por la patología renal. En un 36,4% de los casos el tipo de error observado ha sido la duplicidad de tratamiento farmacológico para una misma patología y en un 27,3% de los pacientes se detectaron enfermedades que no estaban siendo tratadas. Asimismo, se observaron pautas erróneas en el tratamiento (18,2%) y dosis erróneas de administración (9,1%). Un 81,8 % de los pacientes fue derivado al médico.Conclusión: Las discrepancias en el tratamiento farmacológico de un paciente tras el cambio de nivel asistencial son muy elevadas. Dado que el farmacéutico comunitario es el último profesional sanitario en contacto con el paciente antes de la administración del medicamento, su intervención permite detectar estas discrepancias, disminuyendo la morbilidad asociada a las mismas y contribuyendo a garantizar la continuidad asistencial.

    Arqueología de la Batalla del Jarama

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    En este artículo se describen varias intervenciones arqueológicas en municipios del sureste de Madrid que resultaron afectados por el desarrollo de la Batalla del Jarama (1937). Las intervenciones incluyeron prospecciones, documentación planimétrica y fotográfica de estructuras militares, excavaciones y la organización de itinerarios histórico-arqueológicos de la guerra.In this article, we describe several archaeological interventions in municipalities south of Madrid that were affected by the Battle of Jarama (1937). These interventions involved survey, mapping of military structures, excavations, and the organization of historical-archaeological routes of the Spanish Civil War